Sunday, February 20, 2011

My name is Logan and I pray that no one I know ever reads this blog.

I've had this blog for the longest time and I only accumulated one follower so I repeatedly deleted all posts. I kind of wish I hadn't done that, but it's whatever.
(I feel like such a normal teenager by saying "it's whatever." I never say that. I'm not a normal teenager and I kind of, sort of, despise those girls that awkwardly grind at school dances.)
Should I tell you, my imaginary audience, what exactly is going on in my life right now?
Sure, why not.
- I'm going to New York this April for my School Choir
(I'm a horrible singer but, hey, it's entertaining.)
- I want to cry just thinking of going to New York
(Tears of joy, of course.)
- I hate my small town.
(Just a few years until I graduate high school.)
- my best friend slept with two guys in one week and i'm done with her.
(explanation to come. eventually. maybe?)
Please, if you're reading this, don't assume I'm stupid. Please stay and read and follow and just listen. That's all I need. Please.
